Betty Robinson

Betty Robinson

BETTY G. ROBINSON worked for two years as a member of the staff of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and she is the co-editor of Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts of Women in SNCC (2010) as well as a member of the SNCC Legacy Project Board.  Her professional work was in occupational health and public health research at Baltimore City Hospitals Department of Occupational Medicine and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health at the Center for Injury Research and Policy on injuries in the elderly and in the Department of Epidemiology on a study of HIV/AIDS in Women.  

From 1997-2003  Robinson was the Lead Organizer for the Citizens Planning and Housing Association (CPHA) which organizes communities to take action on quality of life issues. There she supervised organizers in East and West Baltimore, working under the Hot Spots Initiative of the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) to build capacity in neighborhood organizations.   In 2003 she received an Open Society Institute Baltimore Community Fellowship and has since worked organizing parents around quality education, immigrant worker rights, consulting on efforts to bring a community organizing curriculum to local colleges, on organizing for fair development and racial justice initiatives. 


In her 45 years as a city resident she has lived in 5 different neighborhoods, raised both of her daughters here and sent them to Baltimore City Schools.