File a Complaint
The Office of Civil Rights and Wage Enforcement houses three different agencies with which members of the community can file a complaint. These agencies are the Community Relations Commision, the Civilian Review Board, and the Wage Commission. Each of these agencies has a Commission that reviews civil rights complaints in the City of Baltimore and each agency has a staff that supports the Commission in investigating complaints and reaching conclusions.
You can file a complaint with the:
Community Relations Commision here;
Ban the Box here;
Civilian Review Board here;
Wage Commission here.
Not Sure Which Agency to Contact?
If you are filing a complaint that has to do with discrimination, then it is likely you should file your complaint with the Community Relations Commission. The Community Relations Commission is the City Agency that investigates claims of discrmination and assist people who have been discriminated against by enforcing the laws against them. To read more about the Community Relations Commission, visit the Community Relations Commission's webpage here. If you would like to file a complaint with the Community Relations Commission, visit here.
If you are filing a complaint against a law enforcement agency, then it is likely you should file your complaint with the Civilian Review Board. The Civilian Review Board is an independent agency in the city through which members of the public can issue a complaint against officers of various law enforcement units. To read more about the Civilian Review Board, visit the Civilian Review Board's webpage here. If you would like to file a complaint with the Civilian Review Board, visit here. You may also download the PDF version of the complaint form CRB Complaint form.pdf .
If you are filing a complaint regarding wages, then it is likely you should file your complaint with the Wage Commission. The Wage Commission is the City Agency tasked with enforcing the minimum wage, the living wage, and the prevailing wage in the City of Baltimore. To read more about the Wage Commission, visit the Wage Commission's webpage here. If you would like to file a complaint with the Wage Commission, visit here.